Choosing the Right Test Automation Framework — The Do’s and Don’ts

Debjani Goswami
Published in
5 min readJan 13, 2021


Choosing the perfect test automation framework

A test automation framework is essentially a setting that creates a suitable environment, necessary to carry out automated test scripts. It is fundamentally a set of guidelines required for creating and designing test cases. A test automation framework is a virtual component of the test automation process, allowing testers to harness the resources better. It is primarily an amalgamation of different approaches and tools that collaborate with libraries and coding modules reusable to create a base for automated testing. Using a test automation framework allows software testers to stick to the standards while simultaneously automating a program.

The Best Benefits of a Test Automation Framework

Apart from the above description, a test automation framework includes several benefits.

Some of the most beneficial features include-

· Easy to script

· Scalable

· Modular

· Reusable

· Low maintenance

It is usual for QA professionals working on a single application, to work with more than one framework to extract the maximum benefits. However, any haphazard approach in choosing the right kind of framework needed for a project will end up causing more confusion than providing the expected benefits. Hence, it is extremely crucial to choose a framework or the frameworks ideally suited for the specific requirements of the projects. After the most suitable framework is chosen, you can then apply them to every one of the modules.

The Most Significant Kinds of Test Automation Frameworks

Types of Test Automation frameworks
You should choose the test automation framework, that best suits your project’s requirement

There is a diverse variety among the types of test automation frameworks that you can choose from. However, the most prominent and popular types are:

Module-driven testing frameworks: In these frameworks the application is divided into several isolated modules before the tests are carried out.

Library architecture frameworks for testing: This is a modified version of module-driven testing. In this type, a standard library is created with the common functions of the program being tested, to be used as and when the need arises.

Data-based testing frameworks: These frameworks allow you to separate your test script logic and the data and keep it in external database storage. This allows testers to complete scenarios with fewer amounts of coding.

Keyword-based testing frameworks: In this approach, test data and scripts are separated. Additionally, the test script code is also separated. In this type, the codes are called keywords and these keywords are created and stored inside the base code.

Hybrid testing frameworks: This kind involves a combination of different approaches that help maximize all the benefits of each approach that it incorporates.

Behavioral testing framework: In this approach the tester feeds inputs from a row in the table of conditions and anticipates outputs to be received from the same row.

Choosing the Best Framework — Things to Remember

To choose the optimal framework for your test automation, here are some of the key aspects that need to be kept in mind:

Testing requirements: Before choosing any tool, it is important to have a clear idea of both the requirements and the scopes of testing.

Before building a framework, one should have clear answers to at least these three questions-

a) Which areas are more crucial for testing to be conducted?

b) Who is going to own the framework?

c) How will the framework be executed and maintained?

Research all the frameworks: While looking for the perfect framework for your project, some common areas of concern that should be covered first include:

a) Is the chosen framework simple and straightforward enough so that it can be implemented? Does it also have the option to be built upon?

b) Is the framework well-supported in context of documentation and consumer support?

c) How often is it being used in the tech community?

d) Is the framework a paid one, or is it open-sourced?

Once these general concerns have been addressed, you need to go into deeper investigation and tally whether the selected framework/frameworks meet the more specific requirements of your project to provide complete and precise support.

Try out prospective frameworks: To explore some potential frameworks, it is advisable to do a spike test of each of them. This will allow you to understand the framework better and help you take an even more informed decision.

The Top Test Automation Frameworks of 2020

The test automation frameworks mentioned below are the most effective and are loaded with the most advanced features:

· Qualiframe by Qualitest

Qualiframe is a new, coded framework by Qualitest, that has been strategically designed to eliminate complexities, meet your business intent and focus on your ROI.


1. Its automation engines are agnostic of several scripting languages. It possesses capabilities and functions that can product trustworthy automation tests across various kinds of platforms.

2. It makes understanding simpler and learning and implementation easier due to its simplified configuration and abstracted implementation.

3. It consists of a component-based model, which ensures a light-weight solution that allows continuous addition and independent integration of new features.

4. It possesses a verification layer that ensures every single action in industry-standard test frameworks is verified. That again provides test consistency across multiple projects.

5. Its additional tool-integrations allow additional enhancements and industry standard packaging makes it available at your doorstep.

· Robot Framework

A generic open-source framework for automation, this framework is useful both for RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and Test Automation.


1. It is an open framework that is extensible too

2. You can create flexible and powerful automation solutions by easily integrating it with other tools.

3. It is a free framework that does not require licensing costs for its usage.

4. It utilizes keywords that are human-readable, and thus has an easy syntax.

5. While it is a Python-based framework, it also supports JAVA and .NET.

· Selenium

This is a very popular open-source test automation framework that is widely used for web apps.


1. It possesses cross-browser and cross-platform functionality, and therefore serves as a base for a wide number of testing tools.

2. It supports several programming languages including C#, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby and more.

3. It possesses an online support network, that is among the largest and its maintenance is therefore quite easy.

4. It is an easily extendable framework across a wide range of APIs and libraries.

5. It comes along with a test authoring playback tool and does not require learning a particular scripting language.

Once the requirements as well as the potential frameworks have been assessed and spiked enough to gain a fair understanding, the stakeholders should come together to take a collective decision. If there are no frameworks available that suit a project particularly, you might as well consider building your framework. It may be confusing and time-consuming initially, but successful implementation will guarantee end-results that will compensate for the initial difficulties.

